Baby Jake is 10 weeks old and watched his first Michigan game on Saterday, and as much as we tried he just wouldn't look angry with the score.
We headed to Birmingham Alabama on sunday to find some kind of adventure. What we found was a town a bit like detroit a bit old and 1/2 abandoned, but luckily it had a satilite campus of the university of alabama which had a decent sized area of life and micro brews! We also found a beautiful botanical garden to walk around until night hit and the bugs came out. This is a great shot of me pinching Valcon's butt who looks over the city of Birmingham. don't worry as we walked out another couple asked if it turned out because that he done the same thing!
Yesterday we finnaly made it to the pool so i could get a bit of a tan - what i've been looking forward to for ever and of course because of Gustov it was not sunny or even very warm! Its been averaging 90' since i've been down here and not that i'm complaining but the past few days have been cloudy and only around 85 or so.
Jake is doing well trying to giggle at least once a day and is very happy to be healthy and back on breast milk. Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. 
What very cute pics of Jake!
I always enjoy reading how Sammy's friends are doing!
They are all so so cute!!!
By the way,nice pic of your hand you little pincher you!
Take Care,
He's getting so big! I can't wait to see him...
I love those smiles! You guys sound like you're having fun down south. It only gets better, heh? :)
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