So Jake is a beautiful 2 month old! And he loves his Horton Elephant, and we love his wonderful new giggle! 

He also has a great Elvis snarl.

Yet when my mom came down this weekend for a visit we innocently walked around Elvis's birth place, Tupelo's claim to fame, i innocently took one step off the grass onto some Innocent looking grass/wood chips, and got stung by some wonderful fire ants! Yes we looked it up they don't bite they have stingers and actually inject venom into you! Turns out this is the first thing in my whole life that i've found that I'm allergic to! Nice right, so 10 min after i got stung we went to Walgreen's because my foot really itched and hurt, it was only when i stopped to ask the pharmacist if there was anything that worked well on fire ants knowing nothing about them since we don't have them at home. Anyway as i was saying only then did i start to look at myself, and i had hives all over my stomach and arms. He sent us on our way saying that simple benedril would get ride of them, but as we headed for home mom got one more look at me and turned the car around and to the ER we went. Bottom line the Dr. told me it was a good thing i'm not staying in the south very long because i wouldn't last. He actually suggested that i go see a Dr this week to follow up after my 2 shots of steroids a 6 day pack of more steroids to take this week and2 other prescriptions because i might need to keep an Epy pen with me at all times because if i encounter fire ants again I will have a worse reaction. Seriously the hives which again i had never had before covered at least 35% of my body! Insaine! It was so gross, after an hour in the ER the hives seemed like they all connected to look like one big red inflaided balloon under my skin here is an early on pic of my arm.
Thank god mom was here to take Jake home to get him some food, since we were at the ER forever! So needless to say Jake is staying of the roids this week and trying some formula and the little bit of breast milk i was able to freeze since we've been here. For which i hope he is happy!
He also love his daddy today on his big 33rd birthday!
Sorry to hear about your allergic reaction to fire ants thats terrible! I guess you have to come home now!!
I think Jake looks like his Mommy
(sorry Chris)but its the truth as of now anyway. He is a cutie for sure! Glad that your Mom made it down to visit how nice! It worked out great for you that's for sure.
Take care. Donna
ER trips are fun aren't they?!? Hope Jake was a trooper through it all. I bet Michigan sounds really good right now, fire ant free and all.
OMG I can't even believe that! ..your arm looks like an inflated balloon arm. I'm glad you guys had enough sense to go to the ER, I mean what if you would have waited longer?! ..Now what, you have to wear pants and long shirts to fight off the ants? goodness. I hope your week has started out better! ..hugs to Mr. Jake who gets cuter by the day!
Kele and Chris,
First I am going to say I am really bummed you can't make the wedding...but I completely understand.
Jake is so freakin cute! I still can't decide who he looks more like. I think he is 50/50 between both of you.
You all look very happy and I love that! I hope to see you guys soon. By then I will be a Evangelista :)
Take care! Love Sara
Darling pumping and dumping is the worst my heart goes out to you and your baby is sooooo adorable. glad to live vicariously through you. Miss you lots
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