Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tess is Two!

Todays Dr apt Stats:

32" Tall 8%
23lb's     7%
Head    35%

She is the biggest Ham smiling and saying Hi Guys to all the nurses but of course zipping her lip when the Dr came in not a single world even though they say she should have 200 words at this age!  Oh well yesterday my mom's car was parked out side and we heard her first 4 word sentence "Grandma Where are you!"  repeated lots and lots of times!  So cute.  She loves to do everything her brother is doing of course but she is also enjoying her new Vanity center blowdrying her hair and putting on lipstick as well as lots of accessories.
Of course she had a wonderful birthday!  She woke up at Disney world and on her way to breakfast a little boy walked up to her and gave her flowers!  She was a little excited about it!  
Then we got on the Disney boat at lunch time!  Good way to start the week!

Pirate Night!  Goofy!
Jake loved seeing all of the characters!  Buzz and Tinkerbell I think were his favorites!  Tess loved Donald or at least always asked about him!  After the second day she wasn't scared of anybody and would walk up to them by her self!  I was impressed!

This was during one of the dance party's before dinner he actually spun her around and danced with her for a whole song! So cute.  Then of course we had to sit down to the 4 course dinner and the cuteness wore off a bit!

Looking like big kids here! 

After Tess' Picture he ran back in for an extra Hug!  

This was our boat from our stop in San Juan!