So exciting - and yes i cried! I think its because yesterday he had a great day 2 long naps, and a full nights sleep, i know i'm jinxing it but for the first time in for ever he slept from 10pm to 7am! Yes i had to wake up and pump but it was soooo wonderful! Now if i can try to do exactly what i did yesterday we'll be very happy campers here in mississippi! 
This week we were so excited we actually were planning on going to jackson on Thursday so chris could play in a golf tournament and jake and i play at a hotel pool - then head down to the gulf for chris' birthday vacation a little late. Too bad Ike is coming and again will probably fill all the hotels let alone ruin the weather. so another weekend in Tupelo with not much to do! We'll be thinking of all of you fun people going to sara and dave's wedding so do an extra dance for us!
We are heading to michigan on the 19th so we'll see you soon!
Till then enjoy this picture we took last weekend of Buffalo park with Grandma Janet - notice the wonderful sights of the camel, donkeys, Buffalo, and the huge car sale at the furniture market a very natural landscape don't you think!