We did it! We had a beautiful baby Boy! Jake Mathew arived on tuesday the 24th at 6:38. He is perfect, after a long and scary labor, we ended up helping the little guy out via c-secion. He was an adorable 7lb 3 oz when he was born, and after losing 7 oz in the hospital our pediatricion was impressed that he had already started gaining weight by saterday.
Jake has been so much fun. He was an excelent wedding guest at Mom and Lee's wedding just the day after he was released from the hospital. Sleeping through the ceremony and even smiling for a frosting fight when the grand children cut the cake.
Chris and I our doing great, we're tag teaming at night with each of us taking a shift at night feeding him. I've been able to pump during the day so that we can keep him on breast milk and still alow me to sleep! Hurray! Will post more pic's later because i know that is the main reason to check in! Thanks for all of your well wishes! 

Yay, congrats!!!! What a cutie pie. I can't wait to meet him and give you a big hug. 'Jocelyn-style' labor is no fun! But now it's over and you can just soak up his cuteness...
FINALLY..a post! ..I know, I know you just had a baby but your blogger fans have been waiting with anticipation!
Congratulations again on your very handsome son! Really take in these tiny tiny moments because they'll be gone before you know it!
Congratulations!!! Jake is so adorable....I love his hair :) Heather forwarded on some pics but I'm happy for an official post! Sorry to hear that labor was so rough but at least its over. Have fun w/your perfect little boy!
I was soooooo happy to meet Jake in the hospital what a very cute baby boy! I believe Grandma is a bit excited too! What a week you two have had a son was born into your lives and Jakes Grandma got married and he was able to go!!
I wish you both many happy & memorable moments as parents!
Just in case I didn't tell you Sammy is very lucky to have you both for his Godparents!
Donna (Sammy's Grandma of course!)
Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I thought for sure Audrey was gonna get a girlfriend from ya but I guess another man in her life is good too! Hope your feeling better each passing day. Enjoy ever minute with him, they change so fast!
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