Here I am at 38 weeks, well today my blog says 12 days to go! So that means baby can arive anytime after friday at 4pm. When chris fly's in!! We drove up to Michigan on friday and had a great weekend working around the house and visiting with family and friends! Its nice to see people again! We even had a fire on sunday night with Mom and Lee and our Neighbors which was mostly relaxing, (those older neighbors can talk your ear off).
Anyway i'm feeling good, i got a prenatal massage done today and it was wonderful! Thanks Aunt Sharon! You never know how sore you are until someone finds ALL the knots in your body! Mom and i also made cookies today which was fun and yummy! That must be why my belly looks extrodenarily large today!
Anyway my Dr. said on monday said that the head is still down, which was even confirmed by a last minute ultra sound, since she couldn't tell by examing me if it was the head. The Dr. said this was because it hasn't dropped yet which at 38 weeks it usually has. I'm not dialated or "thinned" at all yet so she said she will deffinatly see me next week for my appointment, which is good news. For some reason I've been confidently planning to have this baby the week of the 9th! Maybe a bit to0 optimistics, but watch out i'll be walking my tush off starting friday to help convice the baby to come out!
Isn't this last month fun? You don't think you can get any bigger... and then you do. You're still smiling big which is good. Looking forward to seeing you Monday. No baby until after that :)
you look great! you made it past me ...never saw my 38th week. I guess your out of the woods now that Chris is home so any day now your embarking on motherhood! It's challenging but absolutely the best challenge you'll ever face! I'll be thinking of you every day praying for a safe and easy delivery.
Good luck!! You're SOOO close to meeting your little one. It is such a precious time...enjoy! :)
And wow ..only 7 days until your due date now! I can't wait!
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