This weekend Katie flew up for her shower! She looks very cute but i'm not sure that at 7 1/2 months along she should be so close to my size! Her baby needs to Pop!!! I however need to surender to the baby in my belly and stop trying to squeese into my regular pants with the help of a belly band, and just buy more maternaty pants!!
I tried prenatal yoga on thursday and it was fun and relaxing, but odd for me to leave a class with out feeling like i got a good work out. I'm told by a yoga instructor at my new school that isn't the point i think i'll try it again at another yoga center (AA has like 5) and see if its at least more of a social atmosphere, i'll keep you posted how it goes.
Till then i'm excited to go to the Dr's on friday for both my check in to hear that heart beat again and to hear if i'm growing at the right rate for the little one, and of course our follow up ultra sound!
I love your polka dot shirt..so cute! And I think you look perfect for 24 weeks..don't fret and quit comparing yourself to others! Everyone's bodies are so so different when prego! I know I tell you that all the time..but I figured one more time is necessary!
I'll be awaiting a report on Friday!
I'm starting to get so excited to meet baby Carnell..come on June!
...I can't even believe your still wearing your regular pants! I dont' think I could get mine past my hips after 13 weeks. You SUCK ...but look very cute ;)
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