We've made it to 20 weeks and I've officially gained 10 lbs, and as much as I've been trying to hide my bump at my new job of 2 weeks, I think I've officially given up. I know about time! After many odd looks from the students at school first the look of who is this ladie wondering around the school and then the looks of is she fat or pregnant! Ahh the excitement of Middle school!
I've also posted a picture of my Mom and Lee's dog Janie, who we get to dog sit while they are visiting Julie in hawaii for 11 days. Chris thinks its good training for us. I think he's funny and that our baby might be a little bit tougher!
The doctor told me on friday that everything is looking good. I continue to ask her if how long I can keep doing and coaching gymnastics and she said as long as I'd like to! Then i asked her the tough questions like what about bridges, and flips etc. and she said that there is no need to worry to just listen to your body. I asked the head team coach at my gym when she stopped and she told me she did a handstand at her shower! I'll keep you posted if i feel that well, hey wouldn't that be the funniest bump shot ever! Maybe next month!
I've been waiting for a new bump shot! You are looking great..you're a pro at this pregnancy thing!
And I guess our husbands think alike, because after we got Chester Jerm said the same thing! We should ask Jerm how he feels about that statement now! And although it's good practice for caring for something other than yourselves, it just doesn't compare to a baby!..lol!
I would LOVE that handstand bump shot. Wow. You are as adorable as ever. Sorry we haven't seen you in person in forever! Hopefully soon.
You look great! It's like you're hiding a basketball under your shirt! I wish I could say the same but I look like I'm hiding that plus some baseballs in each thigh! ...I won't even get started on the rest!
Have you felt the baby move yet?
You look fantastic! You must get video if you are still flipping right now! That would be awesome!
Is it all you thought it would be? Very strange how your body is changing all the time, isn't it! Love every minute of it girl! It is such a gift to be able to carry a baby. I need to come and see you to do the ring test! When you decide on what you are doing in your baby room, let me know, and I will come help paint, or whatever! You know I love to do that!! = }
You're getting there. Please remind me when you post, so I can check out your webpage. It's pretty exciting. I'm glad you're feeling well and able to do your gymnastics. Just be careful! You may be teaching this one a bit early! Just kidding! Have fun, can't wait to see you sometime.
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