The last 2 weeks Jake is finding new ways to be crazy and i just had to share a few stories.
Last week when Chris was outside shoveling before work at you know 6am or so, he turned around and there was jake standing in his PJ's outside just looking at him like oh there you are! Note to self install a dead bolt and use it so child doesn't leave the house before the sun rises by himself!
Jake love his step stool and carries it around the house sometimes to turn the lights on. He was doing this one morning when i went in to dry my hair, when I popped my head out to see how he was doing, he was standing on his step stool on top of my bed! He had thrown it on the bed and then was trying to balance on top of the stool on the bed and reach the ceiling fan!
Making Red Velvet cup cakes! Don't turn your back to get a spatula Jake'll get it! |
Yesterday we went back in time and i found him in the bathroom and had just gotten done unrolling the toilet paper roll. On the upside he also had just learned to take his pants and diaper off and poop in the potty all by himself. And today when we had 3 friends over for a play date one of the boys decided since we were telling this story that he had to go poop, so Jake of course says me too. I of course don't believe him so i say if you have to go, then go ahead an use mommy's potty, assuming of course he wasn't really going to i help the other little boy and his mommy and then go check on jake and he had in fact gone poop and of course unrolled that roll of TP Too! So silly i had to laugh at the whole situation! Gottta love the little laughs in life to get you through the scary parts right!