Well we've always known Jake was a climber from the start but thanks to grandma's membership to the hands on museum in town jake now love to do the "real rock climbing"! Thanks for the boost grandpa! I never really thought the museum would be that much fun for him but there are alot of great things to discover even at his age. He of course loves the water tables, the fire engine and for some reason scrubbing a stone! Ahh the fun you can discover!

We were also lucky enough to dog sit for Denny and Colleen and Jake just loved Bella! As you can see he could fit in her bed and everything. Bella for the most part i think had fun with jake except when he would (constantly) put her food into her water bowl! Ah well worse things could happen right?

Jake, and I must admit Chris and I have a new love of back yard golf. Jake of course plays with the big boy clubs when ever possible and we try to hit the ball into his club house, up the slide, bounce it off the roof, what ever sounds fun at the time, if you have the equipment i highly advice you try it!
I can't believe we're getting so close to his birthday but i must admit its so exciting as so many people have said to hear him talk more and more everyday. At dinner sometimes chris and i just look at each other like i've never heard that before have you? For example he actually said thank you with out me asking him too. I know i know a big accomplishment! :-)

Can't wait for summer!