I just found my beautiful baby boy eating dirt and look how darn happy he is about it!

I know silly me why am i keeping dirt on the floor well look in the back ground it is the biggest pot i could find so that he couldn't get into it easily boy was i wrong!
Oh and just cause its funny i have to share a short story from our first story time group we went to on monday. The group is only for babies 0-2 and after the organized music most of the about 40 women and babies stuck around and played. Jake of course stuck close to me for the first 15 min then went roaming with his maraca, as did another cute little girl that had been sticking close to her mom, and of course as soon as jake got excited about playing he swung his great maraca right into the little girls face! Ands soon as she started crying i looked at her mom and kept saying "I'm sorry it was mine, he smacked her in the face, So sorry!" Jake of course had no idea what was wrong with the little girl and went on to find a great set of 11 month old twin boys to play with! Not the first time jake's been the bully - he often likes to pull up on bigger kids, that also quickly go running away from him. But this was the first time it was a stranger and a weapon was involved.
So ahead of time watch out world, jake is coming!