Our little guy is very busy at this age to say the least. He's crawling at the speed of light, PULLING UP ON EVERYTHIG his favorite being the DVD player, chewing on everything my hair is current favorite(then again he love to pull that too!!
He also has all 4 of his front teeth, that all popped up in a two week spanned, during which he also had a cold that lasted forever and progressed into a double ear infection! Ouch ! the sad part is that we were thinking we ere past all that and picked back up sleep training last week and i though we just hit a wall this past weekend, but the Dr. told me today that nope he's just got another ear infection! Poor guy! That's a good reason to be miserable at night time and at naps! Ugg the poor life of a baby!
The good thing is our little man still loves to laugh, and the highlight of my day is always a tickle fight! Amazingly he still did well at the Dr.'s today only one quick cry after the shot but other Wise he was still hamming it up with the ladies in the office!
Here are some great pic's of Jake helping his dad put together the patio furniture, a sure sign of spring.
Jake and i made it to lansing this past sunday to watch Chris play hockey, Lee was able to stop andwatch the game to on his way through too. We must have been a good luck charm beause they won 7-4!