We made it we're officially living in Tupelo Mississippi, well until June 1st anyway. The drive went suprisingly well. 13 hours and we were here. The house we're renting turned out great, when I was down a month ago picking it out it was being completly redone, all the way down to new hardwood floors and brand new appliances. It is also completely furnished so we were able to drive down with just our car a few duffel bags of clothes and of course my scrapbooking supplies (a girl has to have a project, you know other than as a human oven)! The only thing that is odd is some of the decor - one needle point says that Cotton is a golden gift from god! Eesh, every room has an earn or two, some of which i have already moved to the closets. but mostly they chose really nice furnature and our bed is very comfortable. Janet (chris's mom) was nice enough to let us borrow her crib for the baby so the spare bedroom will always be ready for guests, hint hint! We'll just have to move some of the scrapbooking suplies.

I'm sorry to day we forgot to back the cords that connect the camera to the computer so i don't have any pictures to post until we go home for the Zeller baptism on the 18th. But for now here is one pic that chris took of the dinning room/kitchen on his work camera.
As for how i'm feeling - huge is all i feel, I'm so lucky not to have other issues, but feeling huge and achey feet are not fun either. On the good side for those i haven't told yet, my good friend Katie had her baby on sunday at 8am a beautiful (i hear) baby girl named Magerate Ann (Maggie)! So good things do happen everyday and for her a week early!