We got our crib and we love it! We put it together on Sunday and it is beautiful. I can't wait to get the rest of the nursery ready so that we're ready for the little one to arive. I'm afraid i've been addicted to the baby story these days so i've been checking out all of their nurserys. You know ignoring the labor part, NOT! Now eversince I hit 30 weeks i just can't help asking every morning "Can i really keep getting bigger for another 10 weeks! This is crazy! Even my maternity pants seem too tight to much elastic around the waste!
But then you see pic's of Heather and Jeremy's little guy and it all seems worth it, right? Ok so maybe i'm still a little scared of D day.
As many of you know Chris is now working in Mississippi full time and comming home to visit on weekends until I'm done covering for a school counselor's maternity